for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration
at Hatton Country World, Warwickshire.
Wednesday 1st June – Sunday 5th June 2022

Wednesday 1st June
We, DCCCuk, are delighted to welcome all only 2022 members of DCCCuk
gatherings together to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee celebrations
at the Hatton World for five days!

They socialised in different groups during the evening until dark.

containing three walking routes around the Hatton Arms, Hatton Country World and Hatton Locks.

Other members went to the Midlands Air Festival held at Ragley Hall, Alcester,
which has returned for a fourth year of excellent family fun including Air Displays.

late afternoon there were so many Hot Air Balloons setting off, one off the Balloon struggle set off and unfortunately crashed into trees.
Late in the evening there were two aircrafts and a helicopter gave its shooting brilliant firework display in the sky.

An aviation event with over 100+ hot air balloons air displays!

Evening & Nightfire – Hot Air Balloon Night Glow
The glow-balloons had to be tethered with its ropes to give some glowing lights and it was fantastic.
then a beautiful firework display from the ground to end the day program at 10-30pm, and it was fantastic!

Friday 3rd June

Platinum Jubilee Celebration Ideas
The members per units started to create their decorating to display in the colourful of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
by three colourful of the United Kingdom in Red, White & Blue on their caravannings or tents.

Browse their popular outdoor Summer Craft Fayre bursting with multitude of fantastic gifts
with unique presents to choose from at the Hatton Shopping Village with a wealth of experience plus fantastic planets.
in Stratford-upon-Avon, and also walked along the canal.


It was given opportunity to raise the money for DCCCuk funds
by Pauline Chesworth & Barbara Satchwell.

On the morning they brought their teas or coffees to join the group where they played tombola.
meanwhile our five juries; one each of them from DCCC North, CDC, WDC & DCSW including our honour president, William G Rowley,
browsing all 37 units of caravanning and tents to make the score as the high scores will be announced later at the buffets.

some ‘whiskey’ and ‘whisky’ in the morning as Whisky Morning instead of Coffee Morning.
Two of those whisky bottles were empty to share with our members – definitely they enjoyed themselves!

at the restaurant and Marquee to celebrate the Queen Platinum with a welcome buffet, desserts, Coffee & tea provided.
Our president of DCCCuk, William G Rowley cut the celebration Jubilee cake
with sung by Brenda Hamlin, the National Anthem – God Save the Queen.
Well done to all who gave their effort for the jubilee decorations, and here the result came out
for the best caravanning decorations;

1st Place – Winner
Derek Rowley / Sara Thornley

2nd Place -Runner-Up
Brian & Geraldine Marsden

Colin & Diane Reading

True or False
Stefan Chachulski questioned out some Queen’s Jubilee Platinum questions
give a lot of amusements as well as a great time passing through learning
into these funny true or false questions, sometimes get confused and
and indulge in funny true or false questions to harness more knowledge.

to thank the team for making this rally a success.
We would like to you all thank you again and safe journey home.
Thank you to …
David Lewis
Giving you all opportunities to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee
by booking the sites, buffets including desserts, coffees & teas provided.
William G Rowley
Thank you for his time to come for his honour president of DCCCuk to you.
Derek Berrisford
Field Guide to our members brought into the site.
Paul Winterhalter
Overprinted the colour A3 poster for our events.
Pauline Chesworth
Arrangement to collect the cakes and drinks for the members.
Peter Kane
Encouraged to increase our members accessed to Midlands Air Shows.
Viccy Paull-Martin
Took over and organised the Walk Country.
Kevin Weaver & Graham Jones
Helping with BBQ & cooking foods for Roy’s 70th birthday party.
Barbara Satchwell / Pauline Chesworth
A big preparing for the tombolo and raised together £61.00 for the DCCCuk’s fund.
Paul Winterhalter & Claire Povey
Helping with cutting some cakes.
Brenda Hamlin
Sign Sung the nation anthem – God save the Queen.
Stefan Chachulski
Organised the true and false game on Royal Families.
Claire Povey
Created her personalised selfie frame of 2022 Queen’s Platinum frame.
Ken Lippett (DCCCN) / Derek Berrisford (CDC) / Valerie Temple (WDC) / Diane Morton (DCSW)
Beginning as the juries for the best decoration of caravanning’s Platinum Jubilee.
More photos
Click here to browse more photos of
2022 DCCCuk Special Occasion – Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration.
To all members many thank for joining us – you all make it successful,
and I would like to thank you with a special to Derek Rowley for helping our shadows.
Good Bye from us.
Reported from
Deaf Camping & Caravanning Club uk (DCCCuk)
by David Lewis
(DCCCuk Marshal)
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