2) 2016 DCCC North – Carrog, Corwen, Wales

Carrog Station Camp Site
Located adjacent to the Carrog Railway and on the beautiful River Dee.
The campsite is located 7 miles from the tourist town of Llangollen and 14 miles from Bala.

Thursday 24th / Friday 25th March till Bank Holiday Monday 28th March 2016
Easter Holiday Weekend (3/4 nights) / Open meeting


2016 Pitch Address
Carrog Station Camp Site
LL21 9BD

Map / Direction
LL21 9BD

Mr Shirley Whiteside
There were only 12 units – First-came, first served.
£8 per unit per night – no electricity hook up / generator allowed.Facilities
In this rally site: toilet chemical disposal / tap water.
Archived galleries photos
To be followed.


(PLEASE if you have any archived photos for above to be published, please send your copied photos to dcccuk@googlemail.com)


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