6) 2010 WDC – Horam, East Sussex

Discover Hidden Spring
Visit the vines up-close, discover the winery and explore the wines.

Every tour includes…
Tour of the vineyard, seeing the vines, how they grow and produce grapes
Tour of the winery, seeing the press, tanks and other facilities used to make our wine
Tutored tasting of four still and sparkling wines in the comfort of the purpose-built Tasting Room


Friday 25th June till Monday 28th June 2010
Bloxham Steam Rally Weekend

2010 Pitch Address
Hidden Spring Vineyard
Vines Cross Road
East Sussex
TN21 0HG

Map / Direction
TN21 0HG

Hidden Spring Vineyard


Raymond Armstrong

£12.00 per night (including two adults and hook-up)
Plus WDC surcharge fee at £0.50.
Extra costs for other Adult at £5.00 / Child at £3.00 per night
No extra charge for pets
Great for biking

Full facilities


Archived galleries photos
To be followed

(PLEASE if you have any archived photos for above to be published, please send your copied photos to dcccuk@googlemail.com)


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